Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Sunday

So, I have decided to try this whole blogging thing again! I wrote a few posts after Sean and I got married, and I have decided to try again. Hopefully I can stick to it! It's such a great way for friends and family to keep up with our day-to-day happenings out here in Abilene, TX! My goal is to write a post every weekend. We shall see! I hope ya'll like the new template and layout!

If you follow me on Facebook at all, you know that I have been having some "health issues". I went to the doctor a few weeks ago with chest pains, turned out to be pleurisy, and while there we discussed some other symptoms and problems I had been having. The doctor had me get blood work done to see if I have celiac disease. Those results came back negative. After another appointment I was told I had a wheat/gluten allergy, and can no longer eat bread, pasta, cake, cookies, etc. I have been wheat/gluten free for about a month and I can already notice changes! It's tough, but I have to do what is necessary to stay healthy. My doctor at the second appointment also said she wanted my thyroid checked. The results came back that I have an over-active thyroid. She wanted me to have the blood work done again just to make sure, and the results came back the same. I have an appointment this Wednesday with an endocrinologist, so hopefully we will get some answers.

This week I am also starting a diet/working out. I want to post about different work outs I am trying and recipes I find...gluten/wheat free of course! The craziest part about the whole thyroid thing is that most people with an over-active thyroid lose weight rapidly, and I've gained almost 15 lbs since May. My goal is to be back to my "wedding weight" by May. They say that weight gain after marriage is a sign of happiness!

That's it for my first post, Sean and I are off to church! Happy Sunday!

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